About Surabhi

“The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go, before I sleep”
Robert Frost

Surabhi Sapra is an adventurer, explorer, entrepreneur, ardent birder, passionate photographer, wildlife enthusiast, storyteller and a poet by chance. She believes that photos are the visual medium that go to extreme lengths to bring forth the otherwise unseen and unexplored beauty of nature. Photos take us through a wondrous voyage of the unchartered territory of the wilderness for the future generations to appreciate and preserve. Birding and wildlife photography requires patience, persistence and passion backed up by technique, timing and a lot of trial and error.

Nature thrives in the most unlikely of situations; carefree chirpy birds, curious, ferocious, and adorable animals and insects live in these spaces and coexist with humans. Nature works in mysterious ways the end of one life leads to the beginning of another. Nature is an integral part of our life and needs to be preserved for human survival. Without the trees, bees and the wildlife, the ecosystem that supports the human population will fall apart. There are great stories to be told and documented Surabhi wants to influence minds and inspire change by spreading empathy, love & passion for nature and increase the sensitivity to the complexities of human-wildlife interactions dull the transformative power of photos, blogs and her podcast.

Travel Diaries

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